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Lauren Kontos

Someone once said, "the only thing constant in life is change," and nothing can be anymore true than that. All everyone knows is that we will be different than we were before and we will always be different. And I believe photography is a perfect way to capture and preserver that change. I have seen photographs all my life and have had many influences. One influence being my dad who always brings a camera around whenever we go on a family outing; taking pictures of people, nature or just random objects. Currently, my photographs are primarily black and white, and consist of random objects or of architecture. Along with photography, I like to write as well as draw; however, I'm not very good at drawing. My photos contain a certain amount of drama and wonderment, yet each of them are completely different in either composition or subject. My photography experience has left in more knowledgable than ject the simple selfie, where now I am able to understand, and in the future, perfect my work.

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